The Road Not Taken
Notations made by Mr. C. Frederick (Fred) Snook, Head Coach of Crestwood High School's Forensics Team (Speech and Debate Team) and Ohio High School Speech League (OHSSL) Hall Of Famer.
My teacher, my mentor, my one and only true, Forensics Coach.
You taught me so much. I hope, in the end, I made you proud. I will forever be deeply honored to have known you for that short time and especially for Snook’s Rule #1.
I’ll never be rich, Snook, but I have followed Rule #1 to The Road[s] Not Taken; but, I tried, very hard, to give back what was taken/given/owed while on those less worn path. Searching for a deeper purpose. I will continue until the road ends; but, today is not that day.
I have miles to go before I sleep.
Thank you for believing in me, Snook.
I will never forget you.